Google Created a Brand-New AI-Tool for Analyzing Images

The new tool from Google was presented to the world, and their AI-tool can help users to carry a detailed analysis of the images using the machine learning algorithm. The tool is a demonstration of Cloud Vision API, a cloud service that allows you to add image analysis features to applications and sites.

Through this new instrument, you can download the image and see how it interprets the Google machine learning algorithm. The processing is performed in seven directions; there is a separate tab for each one in the final output.

Among them, there are:

  • Faces: identifies people or their faces on the image, can distinguish emotions they express, etc.
  • Objects: displays detected objects.
  • Labels: this tab displays the recognized image details (for example, a plant) as well as contextual aspects (e.g., work, product, etc.).
  • Web Entities: these are descriptive words related to the image on the Internet.
  • Text: shows the presence of text on the picture.
  • Properties: displays the primary colors used on the image.
  • Safe Search: Shows how the image is ranked in terms of unsafe content.

This year Google also launched the game based on various indicators of the SEO-tool called Lighthouse.