The Built-in YouTube and Netflix Apps in Tesla

Tesla father Elon Musk promised to add the YouTube and Netflix app to the electric car onboard multimedia system.
Musk declared that Tesla is the best vehicle to enjoy movie streaming, thanks to comfy seats, big display, and surround sound.

However, due to restrictions for the self-piloted cars in the US, today it's allowed to watch the video only when the vehicle is parked. We have to wait until the autopilot is approved and legalized so that all the Tesla drivers and passengers will browse apps during the cruise. Tesla CEO states that the streaming is supposed to be activated in August.

Tesla's CEO added that it would be possible to watch the video when the electric car is parked. However, this restriction will only remain in place until autopilot is legalized in the United States:
When regulators approve full self-driving drive, we will include the option of showing the video while driving.

According to Musk, Tesla owners will be able to evaluate the new functionality as early as August.