Amazon Kindle: Kids Edition

Kindle Kids Edition is an e-reader and an educational tool aimed specifically at children. The device was designed to encourage reading among kids and help them deep dive into the world of books. Being able to hold thousands of books appropriate to any age, the new Kindle is a virtual library at its best. Moreover, the battery charge can last for up to a week, meaning that forgetting a charger won’t be a problem.

The whole bundle will come for $110 (which is $20 more than a normal Kindle costs) and include the following:

  1. The e-reader itself that has the same hardware as Amazon’s latest entry-level kindle. On the outside, it looks exactly like Amazon Kindle Paperwhite.
  2. One of four durable kid-friendly covers that will come in several color choices such as pink, blue or with images of birds and space stations.
  3. One year’s subscription to Amazon’s FreeTime Unlimited that can be used with any compatible device once you’re subscribed. Once the free year ends, there are options to purchase a monthly subscription for a single child for $2.99 if you’re a Prime member, and for $4.99 for non-Prime members.
  4. A two-year extended warranty that gives you the right to replace a broken device in case if you damage it by dropping or knocking it off somewhere, as it happens with children, or in case of mechanical or electrical breakdowns.

The list of new features that are presented in extensive as well:

  • Vocabulary Builder helps enrich a child’s vocabulary. The unknown words that kids search for are automatically added to the Vocabulary Builder. Learning the words becomes even more exciting with using flashcards where you can add the word’s definition and usage.
  • Built-in Dictionary, specifically the New Oxford American Dictionary, helps children find out the definition of the words they accidentally come across while reading.
  • Word Wise helps kids to interrupt less while reading by showing short definitions above difficult words.
  • An easy translation from one language to another is available, too.
  • Tracking achievements is now funnier than ever because children can complete set goals, review their reading progress, and win badges for their progress.
  • Children can now perform a fuzzy search that is searching for anything even if they don’t know the exact spelling by, for instance, tapping on images. They can even get recommendations based on characters and themes.
  • Parents can review their children’s progress and reading activity in a Parental dashboard which can be accessed remotely on a tablet, computer, and a phone.
  • All the content that your child may read is age-approved. Furthermore, access to Wikipedia is restricted, and the whole environment is completely ad-free.

The new Amazon Kindle for Kids is currently available for pre-order and ships on the 30th of October.