Huawei Is Actively Developing Its Analogues of Google Apps

It is known that Google does not provide GMS (Google Mobile Services) to Huawei anymore, trying to “brick” the company’s smartphones, but this US strategy did not work.

The Chinese company Huawei hinted that they would soon be ready to replace Google applications with their alternatives on their smartphones. Google is committed to selling new phones with its applications.

The ban imposed in May happened because the company has close ties with the Chinese government and represents a threat to US national security.

Previously, because of Google's GMS service block, Huawei launched its ecological service. According to data released by Huawei as of August 2019, the HMS ecosystem has overgrown. Moreover, the number of registered developers accessing this service worldwide has exceeded 1.01 million. There are more than 450,000 apps.

On December 24, Charles Peng, the head of the Indian division of Huawei, announced the transition to its applications.

"Consumers won't see a difference between GMS and HMS,” claimed Mr. Peng.