First Net-Zero Energy McDonald's Opens in Florida

In Florida, McDonald's opened the world's first net-zero energy restaurant. The restaurant is entirely powered by renewable energy sources.

The V-shaped roof is covered with solar panels, which are estimated to generate 704,700 kWh per year. Photovoltaic glass panels are also installed throughout the building. Outside, the walls are covered with living plants that purify the air and retain moisture.

The roof of the restaurant is covered with solar panels

Solar energy also powers the lights installed in the parking lot. Their autonomous power supply system allows the restaurant to save 8,000 kWh per year.

Photovoltaic glass panels are also installed throughout the building

Due to the pandemic, only Mac Drive and McDelivery service work in the new net-zero energy restaurant. But it is expected that after the ending of the coronavirus quarantine, the dine-in service will fully work.

Next year, the company plans to obtain the International Living Future Institute's Zero Energy Certification and make it a learning hub for testing energy-efficient technologies. It will be part of the company's global program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 36% by 2030 as compared to a base year of 2015.