Snapchat Time Machine

Today Snapchat launched a new filter. The company hopes that it will be as sensational as the original baby filter, which they presented last spring. The plan is that the new filter will surpass FaceApp, an app that allows users to “age” quickly. Now, Snapchat users can use a slider to begin their transformation from a toddler up to an elderly person.

Even though Snapchat pays creators to build AR lenses for its platform, this lens is a Snapchat’s original, meaning that an internal team worked on making it.
In its second-quarter earnings report of 2019, the company said that 7 to 9 million of its recently added users came to the platform thanks to the AR filters including a viral gender swap filter. It’s not difficult to guess that the company is looking for ways to increase these numbers.

Of course, Snapchat would like their filters to be published in their app, but most users post their snaps outside Snapchat. This might be for the better. In fact, Snapchat gets free ads when users publish their snaps on other platforms such as Instagram and TikTok.