Google I/O 2020 Is Canceled Due to the Coronavirus Outbreak

Many fears have come true – Google I/O 2020, an annual developer conference and the company's largest event, has been canceled. The reason for that stays the same – the coronavirus infection that continues to spread around the world.

Google I/O 2020 event was scheduled to take place on May 12-14 in San Francisco. The company promises a full refund until March 13 to everyone who purchased tickets for Google I/O 2020. It will also be possible to change the invitation for a ticket for the next I/O 2021 for free.

Google’s I/O Developer Conference is Google's main event of the year and one of the most important events in the global IT industry. Every year, key products and developments that ultimately have a significant impact on the further development of the IT industry are announced here. Traditionally, the company presents a new version of the Android OS at Google I/O. This year, the announcement of the Pixel 4a smartphone, as well as the latest Google Fuchsia OS, was expected as part of Google I/O.

Google emphasized that right now, they are looking for other ways to host the event in the best possible way. Google intends to move the bulk of the event online. Most likely, the expected announcements of new products, including the latest Android, will take place after all. But for developers who attend various sessions of the conference annually, this is a big nuisance.

Google I/O is not the first event to be canceled due to an outbreak of the coronavirus infection COVID-19, and probably not the last one. Earlier, due to the threat of the spread of the infection, the MWC technology exhibition in Barcelona was canceled, and the GDC game developers event was postponed indefinitely. With a high probability, the Apple presentation in March, which was expected to announce the affordable iPhone 9 (iPhone SE 2) and the new iPad Pro, will not be held, nor will the Microsoft Build 2020 Developer Conference.