Popcorn Time Introduced Popcorn Time for Kids During the Coronavirus Quarantine

Since the impact of COVID-19 has become a worldwide reality in recent weeks, the demand for the Popcorn Time app has skyrocketed thanks to people quarantined at home.

Popcorn Time - Kids’ version
The kids’ version of Popcorn Time! Watch the best kids movies and TV shows instantly in HD, with subtitles, for free! Available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS

In recent weeks, the Popcorn Time team has received millions of letters of thanks for their work from users all around the world.

And as the team of Popcorn Time wrote to us:

We understood suddenly how much this project meant not only to us but to millions of people from all over the world. Out of all the enthusiastic responses, we received thousands(!) of emails from parents asking for something so obvious, a family-friendly version of Popcorn Time!

Now, Popcorn Time introduces a special long-awaited version of the service – Popcorn Time Kids!

It is a filtered version of Popcorn Time, but created specifically for children. Popcorn Time Kids provides a more contained environment for kids and is designed to help parents and guardians keep their kids entertained as they spend most of their time at home. Popcorn Time Kids library is filled with a variety of the best family-friendly movies and shows from the broader universe of content Popcorn Time.

Popcorn Time Returns Just in Time for the Coronavirus Quarantine
Nobody expected the return of Popcorn Time, but it happened. “Netflix for pirates” got back just in time to entertain people during their self-isolation at home caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

You can Popcorn Time Kids here: https://getpopcorntime.is/kids.html