Mass Protests Spread Across the USA, Unexpectedly Affecting Businesses Like Apple

Riots and protests continue in the United States that were triggered by the death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man who was killed after a white police officer knelt on his neck for over eight minutes.

Many cities in the United States consider such police actions unlawful, so they are trying to achieve some measures through demonstrations, pogroms, arsons at the buildings, etc.

Unfortunately, private businesses like Apple are suffering from what is happening in the USA now. Some marauders decided to steal the devices from Apple Stores located on the streets where protests were taking place.

Many perceived the protests as a good time to steal. Allegedly, in this situation, you can steal something and go unpunished. But Apple blocked all iPhones that were stolen during the protests. Now a notification appears on the screen of every iPhone taken as a protest trophy, asking to return the device to a specific Apple Store.

Ignoring Apple's request may end badly for looters, as the company warned everyone that stolen smartphones are locked, and their location is being tracked. The data will be transmitted to local authorities.

Due to the massive iPhones' theft, Apple is keeping some of its retail stores closed to prioritize the health and safety of its employees and is taking measures to protect its flagship store with a water-filled plastic barricade.

After months of widespread closures caused by COVID-19, Apple was just beginning to reopen stores in the US. But now they have to close stores again in areas where mass protests take place, that is, in Portland, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, Charleston, Washington, Scottsdale, and San Francisco.

Mass protests in Walnut Creek, California | Image: The Internet Protocol

Protesters in Minneapolis and across the country demanded justice for Floyd and accountability for Chauvin. Even though police officer Derek Chauvin, who is suspected of killing Floyd during his arrest, has already been arrested and faces up to 25 years in prison, people continue to carry out pogroms.

Mass protests in Walnut Creek, California | Image: The Internet Protocol

Apple is not the only brand that has suffered from the protests. Many branded stores, such as Louis Vuitton and Gucci, have suffered as well, not to mention grocery stores and shops.

Also, protesters set fire to a Mercedes dealership, local banks, and a Starbucks coffee shop. A police station in Minneapolis where an incident with Floyd occurred was also burned.

Closed stores in Walnut Creek, California | Image: The Internet Protocol

President Donald Trump tweeted about the protests: