4 Inspiring Movies and TV Series About Carrier, Success, and Talent

We declare the age-old question “What to watch right now?” answered for a couple of weeks because the movies and TV series from our compilation will definitely enthrall you.

1. Art & Copy

In this film, artists, advertisers, and designers talk about their daily work and share the secrets of creating memorable advertising campaigns.

2. Why Are We Creative: The Centipede's Dilemma

This is a documentary film by Hermann Vaske that took him 30 years to collect materials for. Vaske asked all his interlocutors one question: "Why are you creative?" He then wrote down all the different and sometimes shy answers they were not prepared for.

3. In-die Game: the Movie

A documentary about game developers. You must admit that there are not many films on this topic.

4. The Office

This one is a legendary series about the everyday life of office workers.