How to Be a Perfect Boss

Read this, print it, memorize it like a multiplication table, and put it under your pillow. These are the basic essentials for becoming an ideal boss. Use these 9 tips, and you’ll become the king of your office, the best friend, and the favorite person of all your junior colleagues (not subordinates).

  1. Don’t try to do something for your subordinates. First of all, you should try to correctly formulate and set the task. Let the specialists do their thing and cope with the given task on their own. The only thing you need to do is to either accept the finished work or perhaps help with a piece of advice (only if someone asks you for it).
  2. It is you who must determine the main goals and methods of achieving them. Think of the way you want to let it happen, then explain it to your employees, talk about the results you are expecting from them, and then give them complete freedom. It is important to let everyone do their job the way they feel most comfortable. If you stand over them with a whip while they work and are being a complete control freak, you only make it worse and significantly delay the solution of the task.
  3. You definitely need a separate office. Maybe you think that you look like Shrek’s sidekick Puss in Boots and not like Cyclops from X-Men, but believe us, it’s hard for your employees to always be on your radar for eight hours a day.
  4. Learn to set goals so that they do not seem like wishes. The execution of the task directly depends on this nuance. A softie boss will tell his/her subordinate, “If you manage to get a meeting with Bill Gates, then maybe we’ll talk him into buying our shabby helicopter.” On the other hand, a competent boss will say, “Get a meeting with Bill, and we’ll sell him our helicopter.” When setting a goal, avoid using words that allow the optional performing of the task.
  5. An unpleasant conversation needs to be held straight away. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a conflict between your employees, someone’s fuckup, or non-subordination – you need to act quickly. But the guilty employee should be reprimanded privately in your office.
  6. Encourage and endorse your employees, but of course, if that’s what they deserve. It’s not about satisfying their ego from time to time. It’s important to let everyone know if they deal with their job and how well they do it. It’s better to say kind words in public.
  7. Nothing personal – it’s just business. Not all your employees love you for being such a sweet stuff. First and foremost, they like you because of their position, because you hired them, and because of money bonuses and all that. Just don’t forget about it, and don’t let your emotions overwhelm you.
  8. Sooner or later, your employees will leave, and you won’t be able to keep hold of them. You can only delay it for another month or year. Don’t hold on to them, because this will demonstrate your weakness. The main rule of competent management is that there are no irreplaceable people.
  9. Yelling at your employees is a bad thing. Still, you should be able to do this if needed. Swear fiercely and furiously so that no one would even think of getting involved with such a wild person like you. And don’t forget to explain the reason for being so furious. This must be a monologue where the employees are silent, and you’re speaking.