Handy Tips: A Brief Guide to the Art of Daytime Napping

In Handy Tips, we find ways to improve your life and make it easier and explain why these tips work. Today, we will tell you why daytime sleeping is good for you and why, for some people, a short nap can be as restorative as a whole night of sleep.

If you ever find yourself on a business trip to Japan or Taiwan, one strange thing may surprise you. During an hour-long break, office workers quickly deal with the food in their bento boxes, then turn off the lights in the office, lie down on the table, and sleep for the next 30-40 minutes.

Yes, in Asian culture, they don’t fine workers for this. It’s quite the opposite – napping during lunch is welcomed. By the way, the US Army unexpectedly spoke in favor of a short daytime nap. Military scientists periodically publish a bulletin called Holistic Health and Fitness. In its latest version, attention is paid not only to the need to do an unlimited number of pull-ups and push-ups per minute, but also to rest and recover.

How to Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes in Any Situation?
If thoughts about the coming day prevent you from falling asleep, try the method of American pilots, which allows you to fall into the arms of Morpheus in 2 minutes.

The US military called this technique a "nap" (20-60-minute daytime sleep). To nap, you need to do the following:

  • Light and quiet background noise will hardly disturb you. But if they still do, you can wear headphones.
  • One sleep cycle is 20-25 minutes, but you also need time to fall asleep. Set the alarm for 40-45 minutes from the moment you put your head on the table or pillow.
  • A person can comfortably sleep for half an hour with their head on the table. Millions of Asian clerks are living proof of this.
  • There is a common practice called "power nap." Before falling asleep, drink a cup of strong coffee. It takes 30-40 minutes for caffeine to dissolve and take effect, so you should feel a burst of energy the moment you wake up.