Handy Tips: How to Tell if an Old Bottle of Wine Is Still Drinkable

In Handy Tips, we find ways to improve your life and make it easier and explain why these tips work. Today, we will tell you how to find out if an older, unopened wine is still good or if it has already gone bad.

If you've found an old bottle of wine in the family cellar, congratulations! Good wine can be stored long enough without losing its qualities, but this is only if the right storage conditions are ensured. Therefore, today, we will tell you what you need to pay attention to first.

1. Wine level in the bottle

The first step is to look at how much wine is in the bottle. If the liquid level is lower than it should be, then the wine has evaporated or is leaking. Compare the bottle to any other. Wine levels should not differ by more than 0.6 cm.

2. Leaks on the bottle

If there are traces of wine leaks or drops on the bottle and especially on the cork, the verdict is disappointing: the cork is faulty, the bottle is leaking, the wine is spoiled.

3. Reviews on the Internet

Wine is not immortal and cannot be stored for an infinite amount of time. So, if you are thinking whether to uncork the bottle now or wait another couple of decades, then read the reviews on the forums of wine enthusiasts. If reviews about this wine of this particular year have worsened in recent years, go grab a corkscrew immediately.