Instagram Tests the Like Hiding Feature All Over the World

Instagram began to hide the count of likes under posts globally. At first, it would be as an experiment and possibly implemented wholly in the future.

Rolling back to the middle of summer, in July when the social media notified about this feature in several countries. Users from Brazil, Australia, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, and Canada couldn't see the number of the likings.

Instagram representatives said about their intentions to TechCrunch, and it was next:

"Starting today, we're expanding our test of private like counts to the rest of the world beyond Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ireland, Italy, and New Zealand. If you're in the test, you'll no longer see the total number of likes and views on photos and videos posted to Feed unless they're your own. While the feedback from early testing has been positive, this is a fundamental change to Instagram, and so we're continuing our test to learn more from our global community."

The update applies to both photos and videos, Instagram said. The company explained the dissonant innovation that they try to reduce the level of pressure and lower the users' competition. They simply want each user to express its sympathy without following the opinion of the masses.

In some countries where the testing had already been held, Instagram experts mark the positive changes.

But influencers and creators were disturbed about the innovation as it can harm their rankings and lessen the number of followers. HypeAuditor reported that some popularity indexes reduced by 3% to 15%.

Instagram strives to dilute a tremendous flow of polished selfies and encourage users to post more authentic content that won't get the severe judgement of the whole community members.