Valve Announces the First Half-Life VR Game, But Not the Half-Life 3 Yet

On November 19, Valve Corporation said in it’s Twitter they plan to present a new Half-Life game on November 21, but no other details were mentioned.

The new chapter called Half-Life: Alyx. The game is adjusted for the Virtual reality entertainments and supports VR helmets of Valve Index, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Windows Mixed Reality.

Grabbity Gloves is the controlling system will provide physical involvement in the game. Creators hint that gloves will have a magnetic feature and gamers can pull and toss things standing on a certain distance from them.

Being the part of the Half-Life sequel, HL Alyx will continue the story of Alex Vance. So gamers will find themselves in a period between the events of the first and second parts of Half-Life.

The released of the game is scheduled for March 2020.

By the way, on November 19, 21 years ago the original shooter Half-Life hit the gaming world. The second part of Half-Life was released in November 2004, with two sequels in 2006 and 2007. Later in 2008, Valve announced the release of the third part, but we’re still waiting for it.