Third-Party Company OWC Sells Mac Pro Wheels for $249

Other World Computing (OWC), which offers memory, storage, and other products for use with Apple computers, has added Rover Pro, a set of wheels for the Mac Pro, to its catalog. It is the first third-party alternative to the expensive original wheels that Apple sells separately for $700.

The novelty stands out with several advantages. First, the OWC alternative is much cheaper than Apple-branded wheels. Mac accessory company OWC now sells four stainless steel swivel wheels with soft rubber tread that does not leave any marks on the surface for $199. It is a reduced price for the pre-order period, while the regular set price is $249. But it's still much cheaper than that of Apple, which sells the kit for $700 if purchased separately and for $399 if ordered with the Mac Pro.

iFixit Grated Cheese with Mac Pro | The Internet Protocol
iFixit specialists published a video on their YouTube channel with the first impression of the new Mac Pro. At the end of the video, they brought many memes to life and grated cheese with Mac Pro.

Secondly, the OWC Rover Pro wheels have built-in locks that will prevent the computer from driving away.

The Rover Pro's patented design allows you to attach and remove wheels without additional tools in less than two minutes. At the same time, additional tools are required to install Apple-branded wheels.

The OWC Rover Pro wheels are already available for pre-order and will go on sale in September.