Getting a Pay Raise in a Pandemic: How to Negotiate With Your Boss

When a pandemic is raging outside, it is not the best time to talk about a pay raise. But it is also true that companies are trying to enhance their competitiveness in difficult times, which is impossible without an additional team effort. If you do work effectively and your job helps the business to cope with challenges, it makes sense to negotiate a pay raise. In this article, we will tell you how to prepare for an important conversation.

1. Know your worth

Perhaps you completely forgot about your skills. Maybe you have previously been engaged in analytics or SMM, for example. These skills can be of great leverage for negotiating a raise. But how do you know how much you should count on, how much you are worth in the job market? To understand this, evaluate your contribution to the work of the company and try to find out the salaries of employees with similar responsibilities, education, and experience.

2. Suggest alternatives

If the company's budget is now tight, there are other ways to encourage employees: a new position, new exciting responsibilities, a convenient schedule, or paying for educational courses. Ultimatums can hurt working relationships, so don't play with fire.

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3. Don’t be afraid of rejection

Sometimes, conversations can reach a dead-end standstill, disappointing everyone involved. It is important to remember that talented employees with in-demand skills will always find a job. And replacing a specialist can cost the company twice as much as their annual salary.

If you do not plan to go off a deep end, prepare several proposals to make it easier for the boss to agree. For example, discuss the possibility of paying a bonus for achieving a specific goal: “If my cost optimization plan is successful, it seems fair to me to expect a bonus of 10% of the savings.”

4. Consider the specifics of online communication

There are certain advantages to virtual negotiations. Employees from different regions can take part in an online conference. In addition to this, you will not be affected by external factors – office noise, a huge director's desk, and so on. Another nice thing is the ability to use pre-prepared notes.

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In this article, we will tell you how to be guaranteed to avoid being fired and keep afloat. And for all this, you will not even have to do something forbidden.

5. Practice speaking

If, after the previous points, you have not decided to talk with your boss and decided to postpone this conversation for a while, use this time to practice negotiations. Try to bargain in a store or get special conditions from some service, negotiate with neighbors, or participate in the distribution of work tasks in the team. By preparing for the conversation in advance, you can reduce the level of anxiety, which will positively affect your "fight" for your rights.