10 Signs Your Cat Is a Happy Cat

This article is designed for humans to improve their skills and the quality of care for their cats.

Let's say you have learned the simplest rules of taking care of a cat. You give them food on time, clean up the litter tray, buy toys, and threw away the vacuum cleaner. Not bad already, but certainly not enough. Your cat can still get sad and take revenge, or even just leave you at any time. For instance, jump through the window in the spring. How will you live without your cat? That's right!

And anyway, if you have a cat, it's time to learn cat language! However, if you are terrible with languages, so be it. Their majesty cats condescendingly provide you with this short list of ten signals that will let you know that your cat is happy with you.

1. Your cat has a playful behavior

Playful behavior is luxury cats allow themselves when everything else is fine. If cats are playing, it means they are psychologically stable, physically healthy, and, perhaps, even happy. The slightest stress makes cats isolated, and they hide or sleep more than usual.

2. Your cat purrs

Loud rattling sounds, especially when you stroke them, are a sign that cats have feelings for you. Well, let's just say, they do not view you as an unpleasant person.

However, you have to be careful here. The thing is that cats use purring not only to show that they are happy, but also to soothe themselves. It's a kind of auto-training: "I'm fine, evil hand, even despite you, I'm fine!"

3. Your cat eats

A good appetite is a sign of psychological comfort and normal health in all animals. When cats eat breakfast and dinner with pleasure (you know that it is recommended to feed them twice a day, right?), they are fine.

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4. Your cat rubs up against you

On the cheeks near the whiskers, cats have glands that secrete their individual scent. By rubbing their muzzles against objects, cats mark the territory (as well as their most beloved and intelligent humans, who are allowed to belong to them further). High five! You seem to be doing everything right.

5. Your cat sleeps in your favorite chair

This means that your smell is not only not disgusting to your cat, but even pleasant. Also, the cat believes that you marked this chair as belonging to you, under your protection, and absolutely safe. In other words, they can safely lay there.

6. Your cat's fur is shiny, the ears and nose are clean

The quality of the fur in cats, like in dogs, is the first sign of normal physical health. Any discharge from the eyes and nose, as well as "dirt" in the ears, signals a problem.

7. Your cat licks itself thoroughly (and sometimes you!)

Self-grooming is one of the main signs of relaxation and comfort in cats. When cats lick themselves, they feel approximately the same as you feel after a good run: you feel well and are full of strength, your muscles are strong.

If cats live in a pride, they groom each other. And if you also got a few rough touches of the tongue, it means that you were accepted into the clan!

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8. Your cat kneads you

Stepping on something soft and then alternately pushing on the soft surface with each foot with or without claws is typical of kittens. One popular theory says that kneading on their mom makes the milk flow faster.

9. Your cat makes eye contact

Prolonged and fearless eye contact is a sign of a cat's trust. Sometimes it is accompanied by a series of meows.

10. Your cat sleeps on the back

Leaving a vulnerable belly uncovered is a sign of comfort and the greatest trust to humans that live next to the cat. Also, a pose of comfort and contentment is when cats tuck their paws under them.

But if cats curl up into a ball, slightly turning to one side, this means that they are nervous and very aggressive. From this position, it is easy to make a striking blow with a clawed paw. Or bite.