Telegram Launched a Contest to Create a News Aggregator
Telegram launched the second stage of the Data Clustering Contest to create a module, based on which a news aggregator can be launched. Everyone can participate, including those who missed the previous stage.
Following certain recommendations, the participants of the competition should create or improve existing clustering algorithms to highlight articles and news written in English and Russian, including from other materials, as well as group them into categories and stories.
The algorithm should analyze, store, and index incoming articles, as well as form a list of stories on the specified topic for a specified period sorted by importance. At the same time, news in Russian should be relevant for readers from Russia, and news in English should be relevant for a wide range of international readers.
Entries will be accepted as standalone tgnews applications. The app should be launched in the CLI interface and the HTTP/1.1 mode of the server with Keep-Alive support.
The second stage of the Data Clustering Contest will last two weeks and end on May 25 at 23:50 UTC. Its prize fund is €100,000.
You can find more detailed information about the contest here.
In the summer, Telegram founder Pavel Durov criticized Yandex.News for being censored and targeting the Russian market only. He invited Yandex developers to join the Telegram team to develop an effective and free news aggregator.
It seems that Telegram did not abandon the idea of Pavel Durov to create its own news aggregator, and the announcement of the competition clearly indicates that.