Netflix Revealed a New Documentary Series About the Golden Age of Video Games

Netflix premiered its new documentary series High Score about the golden age of video games and their evolution over the years.

If you are into retro gaming, you should definitely watch the new documentary series from Netflix. The six-episode project tells the story of the golden age of video games when big companies and daring loners created such cult projects as Space Invaders, Final Fantasy, Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat, Sonic the Hedgehog, etc. It starts with 1978's Space Invaders and ends with the 1993 release of Doom.

The most exciting part about it is that it's being narrated with the voice of Super Mario.

"High Score is a documentary series about the golden age of video games, when legends – from Pac-Man to Doom – were brought to life. Through ingenuity and sheer force of will, computer pioneers and visionary artists from around the globe spawned the iconic worlds of Space Invaders, Final Fantasy, Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat, Sonic the Hedgehog, MADDEN NFL, and beyond. Without rules or roadmaps, players and innovators alike pushed the limits of money to be made, rivals to be crushed, and hearts to be won. This is the story of the brains behind the pixels and how their unmatched innovation built a multi-billion dollar industry – almost by accident," reads the official description of High Score on Netflix.

The first season of High Score in six episodes is now available on the Netflix streaming platform.

"It was difficult to limit the show to six episodes. We could have made 40 hours. We had to choose stories we found interesting because of the people behind them. Not only creators but music composers, artists, painters, players. All played an important role in the history of gaming," says series director France Costrel.