Top 10 YouTube Channels for Developers of All Levels

In this article, we’ve made a compilation of engaging YouTube channels for beginner IT specialists, developers, and basically everyone who wants to figure out what scary words like Vue.js, JavaScript, and PHP actually mean.

1. Fun Fun Function

A cool YouTube channel where a charismatic host-programmer talks about the development and life of IT specialists.

2. Bret Fisher Docker and DevOps

The channel is dedicated to learning DevOps. The author of the channel hosts live streams where he invites other specialists and tries to convey all topics in a non-trivial way.

3. The Net Ninja

They promise that any novice developer can use the channel to get a black belt in JavaScript, Node.js, React, Vue.js, Firebase, MongoDB, HTML, and CSS.

4. IAmTimCorey

This YouTube channel's author aims not only to captivate subscribers with the topic, but also to teach them something. That is why there are no short 5-minute videos here, only substantial lessons.

5. tutoriaLinux

An educational YouTube channel with full-fledged tutorial videos on Linux and Unix starts with learning basic beginners' basic commands.


Dozens of tutorials on topics ranging from JavaScript to React. A fascinating channel for novice developers.

7. Python Programmer

Here, the channel's author teaches novice developers the basics of Python, Data Science, Machine learning, and AI. He also analyzes paid and free courses.

8. Joma Tech

The young developer talks about his life in Silicon Valley, working in large technology companies, and software development. You will see the life of IT specialists without myths and fairy tales.

9. Derek Banas

Professional-level video tutorials in almost all popular programming languages. Here you will find tutorials on JavaScript, React, C++, ML, Arduino, C#, Django, and many others.

10. Java Brains

This popular YouTube channel offers subscribers to learn Java and JavaScript from scratch.