8 Best Short At-Home Workouts: It’s Time to Get Your Buns off the Couch

Walking from your bed to the fridge is certainly not walking the necessary ten thousand steps a day. And in fact, being active in quarantine is not easy at all, and we wrote about it more than once. Today, we decided to make a compilation of fun and short video workouts to somehow compensate for the lack of movement. These exercises will not turn you into an athlete, but they will definitely make your body move and will help you stay active even during self-isolation.

1. Fitness in Bollywood

Bollywood-style workouts are rapidly gaining popularity on the Internet. Exercises called Bollywood Penguin, Namaste Lunge, and Bhangra Jumping Jack will strengthen your muscles, and may also trigger a burning desire to re-watch Disco Dancer or Seeta Aur Geeta.

2. Killer Hip-Hop Tabata

This workout is a mixture of serious power training and fun. Until you try it in real life, you will think that these are just funny dances. But it’s not that simple: even after a fifteen-minute workout to an energetic beat, your muscles will burn. However, do not overdo it, as the main thing is to enjoy your training.

3. The 80s style video clip workout

Dua Lipa herself will be your workout instructor. In addition to the official video clip with tricky choreography, Dua Lipa decided to release an alternative video training for her song Let’s Get Physical. Of course, watching the video and repeating movements will not replace a full-fledged workout, but is just enough for a little warm-up.

4. Dancing to the 2000s hits

It’s no wonder this channel has more than two million subscribers! Caleb Marshall does short dance workouts to the hits of our time and, at the same time, jokes and boosts your self-esteem by giving you virtual compliments. In this interpretation of Phone, Marshall asks you to imagine that you actually lost your phone somewhere on the dance floor. The case when training prepares you for real life!

How to Take Care of Yourself in Quarantine
We suggest that we focus on the latest online instructions made by people spending time in self-isolation who created their tutorials for those of us running wild in quarantine.

5. Yoga for those who are sick

Yoga for all occasions! For example, there is a set of exercises for gentle stretching to relieve pain during menstruation. This video is dedicated to those who have a cold. Restorative exercises will help your body feel a little more energetic and help your mind clear up and calm down.

6. Burlesque for beginners

For this little workout, you will need a sturdy chair. This training will allow you to feel like a diva, even if you are now in your pajamas. And it’s also perfect for a break if you work at the computer.

7. Pilates with your dog

The Pilates instructor dreamed about a dog for a long time. Finally, her dream came true, and she introduced Sir George the Magnificent to the public. To mark the occasion, she came up with a set of exercises for the owners of pets who require active participation in workouts.

Top 11 Popular TikTok Dances for Fun Self-Isolation
To get into the top of TikTok, you need to get the hang of its main feature: 15-20 second dances to rhythmic and uplifting music. That’s why we’ve made a compilation of trendy TikTok dances for you.

8. Twerk step by step

Where else can you shake your ass with all your heart without embarrassment if not at home? Twerk goddess Kelsey Mobley believes that everyone can twerk, even if it seems that they do not have the right muscles and have "too small" or "too big" buns. The quarantine will end someday, and people on the street will mistake you for a member of the Kardashian family.