Twitter Is Working on a Feature to Let Users Publish Long-Form Articles with Mixed Media

Elon Musk has revealed that Twitter's team is working on a new feature that will enable users to create large posts, allowing them to publish long-form articles and even books. Musk made this announcement on his Twitter page, confirming the development of the feature, which will be called Articles.

The concept of long-form content on Twitter is not entirely new. Twitter Blue subscribers were previously granted the ability to post tweets of up to 25,000 characters, far exceeding the standard 280-character limit. Now, with the upcoming Articles feature, users will be able to craft even longer posts.

Twitter Increases the Tweet Editing Window to One Hour
The recent increase in the tweet editing window is aimed at enhancing user experience and allowing more flexibility in post updates. Twitter continues to explore new ways to improve its platform and provide added value to its subscribers.

The initial version of this feature, known as Twitter Notes, was introduced in 2022 before Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter. It was tested with a select group of writers in various countries. The writers had access to a dedicated tab on Twitter, allowing them to compose and manage their notes easily. Notes offered rich formatting options and the ability to include various types of media, such as photos, videos, GIFs, and tweets. When published, these notes could be shared, liked, bookmarked, or retweeted, similar to regular tweets.

However, the fate of Twitter Notes was uncertain after its initial launch, as there were no major updates or news about the project following Elon Musk's acquisition of the platform. Reports surfaced indicating that the project had been put on indefinite hold.

Twitter Blue’s New Feature Allows Two-Hour Video Uploads
This update significantly enhances Twitter’s user experience, particularly for Twitter Blue subscribers. With the ability to upload longer videos, users have a richer platform for expression, allowing for more nuanced and comprehensive storytelling.

Now, with the recent confirmation from Musk and the renaming of the feature to Articles, it appears that Twitter is reviving its efforts to provide users with a platform for long-form content.