R for Remote or the Rise of Generation R

While the whole world was shuddering in anxiety and doubt, a new generation of workers appeared, which is more ready than ever to compete in the labor market. In this article, we will tell you what Generation R is and what kind of work suits them more.

Where Generation R begins

Nowadays, all workers belong to one of five generations – from Silent Generation, which was before Baby Boomers, to those who were born in this century, Generation Z. Every generation has its own behavioral style and preferences.

However, the novel coronavirus forced many people to switch to remote work. All generations have faced special social requirements and restrictions. Employees had to learn new habits and ethical rules. For the first time, different generations began to think and act in the same way. Numerous surveys of employees and managers show that people actively learn and retrain and, moreover, abandon their old habits during a pandemic. Many people rebooted and thus formed a new generation of those who work remotely – Generation R (R for Remote).

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Defining characteristics of Generation R

Generation R is those who acquired new skills, adopted new paradigms, and redefined their worldview during isolation. They abandoned their old way of thinking in favor of new challenges and a new vision. This generation, like no other, feels confident in the face of uncertainty. They are motivated, willing to work harder, and more productive than others, while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

3 important traits of Generation R workers:

  1. They are ready for new working conditions. People belonging to Generation Z understand that competition for jobs will intensify, affecting their career development and opportunities. But instead of accepting this, Generation R prefers to master at least one new professional skill during isolation.
  2. They find remote work more efficient. Gen R believes that flexible work schedules and modern technology make working from home more productive. This freedom to manage your time makes it easier to find work-life balance.
  3. They successfully maintain the boundaries between home and work. Companies value hard work and are willing to accommodate such employees by providing flexible working hours. This freedom to manage your time makes it easier to find work-life balance.
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What does this mean for business?

It is important to understand that employees will return to the post-pandemic world with new views on working, new skills, new challenges, and a new work ethic. They will have completely different priorities and expectations, and companies will need to adapt to all these changes. Here are 4 useful practices for HR managers:

  • Provide career mobility. After returning to “normal life,” many employees will want to apply new skills and expand their range of tasks. And management should give them this opportunity. What to do? Offer teams mobility on choosing projects. Trust them and allow employees to try themselves at something new – this will provide an opportunity for growth. Google what the Gig economy is and apply it. Your staff will thank you.
  • Create a flexible work environment. Support remote workers by giving them the tools they need to work effectively. What to do? Use cloud platforms. They must be well protected and have the necessary functionality. They should be fully accessible anytime, anywhere, and on any device.
  • Strengthen your corporate culture. In the aftermath of the pandemic, staff will expect managers to be involved and understanding. Effective teamwork requires personal understanding and flexibility. What to do? Change management style. Revise and strengthen the corporate culture, endowing employees with support.

It is difficult to predict what the labor market will be like after the crisis, but trends already indicate the beginning of a new era. Generational differences are blurred more and more, bringing to the fore the common features of the Generation R.