For Dummies
Total 20 Posts
Nobody is perfect, and we cannot know absolutely everything. Each of us is good at a particular field, but sometimes we feel like dummies when we don’t know some simple stuff that seems obvious to other people. Do not be shy about it; just learn new guides on various topics with us.
What Are Stablecoins and Why Is Everyone Talking About Them?
Stablecoins are digital money that mimics the properties of traditional currencies. As a rule, they are pegged to the dollar or euro exchange rate (usually in a 1:1 ratio), gold, or other assets, including cryptocurrencies.
How to Use Google Alerts to Cover a Story That Matters
The Google Alerts service helps you receive updates on topics you are interested in and summarize the search activity around search terms you choose.
Developer Console for Dummies: How to Hack Messengers Quickly and Easily
In this article, we will tell you what the developer console is, how to open it in various browsers, and how to potentially use it to hack messengers like WhatsApp and Telegram.
The Internet Protocol Is Among 100 World News Websites to Follow in 2020
We are glad to share that The Internet Protocol was added to the list of Top 100 World News Websites to Follow In 2020!
How to Delete WhatsApp Messages After Sending (Even After 68 Minutes Have Passed)
We will tell you about the principles of the WhatsApp message deletion feature and will share a life hack that will help you delete a message even after 68 hours have passed since the message was sent.
What Is Tor? A Manual for Dummies
Tor is a router system that serves to create an anonymous encrypted connection through a chain of proxies. It is an independent network of virtual channels, allowing you to transfer encrypted data within the network.
What Is SSL? A Manual for Dummies
The SSL protocol is used for authentication with the server before transferring data from applications, as well as for negotiating cryptography algorithms and session keys.