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The best fuel for your brain is the high-end information which makes your neurons generate ideas and satisfy curiosity. We search, dig, and process the most relevant materials to create the kaleidoscope of cognitive content, stories, tips, and how-to write-ups. This is what life looks like here on The Internet Protocol. Travelers, life observers, and all the inquiring minds can get the first-rate pool of articles. Travel guides, book reviews, movies and TV shows, psychology, and investigations.
Laughing at Stupid Jokes Could Be an Early Sign of Dementia
Scientists at University College London have ruled that a bad sense of humor is one of the first signs of impending dementia. Moreover, it worsens on average nine years before the final diagnosis is made.
3 Ways to Get Rid Of a Beer Belly Doing Nothing
All beer lovers can rejoice! We've solved the beer belly problem forever. Read this article and find out about three easy steps on your way to a beer six-pack.
5 Nice Things That Can Prolong Your Life
Not all pleasant things are intended to bring you to the grave ahead of time. Some, on the contrary, will help you stay in this world a little longer. Here are five of them.
Handy Tips: How to Politely Get Rid Of Annoying People
Escaping from a talkative and impolite person is not easy. Well, we are such people, too. Therefore, we have collected several ways that are guaranteed to discourage others from distracting you with annoying conversations.
How the Girl's Past Might Be Affecting Your Relationship
What relationship awaits you in the company of this young lady? A daily gentle rain of rose petals and homemade meals? Or a Prozac and sedatives cocktail accompanied by a psychoanalyst's lullaby?
What Your Social Media Posts Say About Your Love Life
Scientists at the University of Massachusetts decided to keep up with the times and conducted a study, the results of which will be of interest to everyone who has a social media account. They found out that the posts on social media speak of users' sex life.
How to Approach a Girl on the Street
They say it's hard to meet a decent girl on the street. However, there are several options for making a dizzying acquaintance and approaching a lady you like. In this article, you will find go-to tips on how to meet a girl on the street.