Pavel Durov

Total 55 Posts
Pavel Durov is widely known for founding VK, a popular social networking site, and Telegram, an encrypted messaging service that now has about 200 million active users monthly. Currently, Durov and his team are developing the Telegram Open Network (TON), which is a darknet decentralized blockchain and cryptocurrency platform.

A Little Surprise for Valentine's Day From Telegram

Valentine's Day can be celebrated even in social networks. Pavel Durov provided a romantic mood by releasing cute emojis to celebrate the holiday.

The SEC Has Additional Arguments Against Telegram

Former Telegram Chief Investment Adviser John Hyman swore testimony from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The obtained information can be used against Durov, Telegram Group Inc., and TON Issuer Inc.

Elon Musk Tweets #DeleteFacebook and Says “It's Lame”

Sacha Baron Cohen condemns Mark Zuckerberg for an authoritarian style of management. He was supported by Elon Musk, who urges everyone to delete Facebook accounts.

TON Investors Asked the Court Not to Disclose the List of Their Names

Investors asked the court to prevent the disclosure of the names. The court may make exceptions if this data is not important for the outcome of the case.

Telegram and the SEC Require to Expedite Their Case. Both Sides Published Their Positions

The Telegram Group and the SEC appealed to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York with a request to expedite their case, while also announcing their positions.

Liquid Crypto Exchange Returns Money to Users Who Bought Gram

Liquid PR campaign attracted investments in a total of $1 billion but did not directly make any deals with Pavel Durov’s company.

The Court Attacks Telegram Again: The Court Ordered Telegram to Disclose Pre-ICO Financial Information by February 26

The US District Court made the final decision and will not extend the deadline for submitting financial documents. Telegram has time to provide required materials until February 26.

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