Total 217 Posts
Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 is a condition caused by the novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. The new coronavirus is identified as the cause of an outbreak (that later escalated into a pandemic) of respiratory illness that was first detected in Wuhan, China. COVID-19 has not been previously identified in humans until now. Common signs of infection are cough, fever, and breathing difficulties.

Coronavirus: The Complete Digest

We’ve gathered the latest and most interesting news about the coronavirus that will help you keep abreast of events.

MWC Barcelona Is Canceled for the First Time in 33 Years Due to an Outbreak of the Coronavirus

The largest annual trade show, Mobile World Congress, was supposed to be held in Barcelona from February 24 to 27, but was canceled after companies began to refuse to participate because of the coronavirus.

The Coronavirus Outbreak Forces Apple to Close the Company's Stores Until February 9

The Cupertino’s decision is based on the fact that the World Health Organization declared global public health emergency over the outbreak of the virus.

Google Temporarily Closes China Offices as Coronavirus Continues to Spread

The company also advises its employees who are currently in China or have any immediate relatives or family members there to return as soon as possible.

The Plague Inc. Video Game Breaks Records Again Due to Coronavirus

The game is growing in popularity at the same rate as the Chinese coronavirus is spreading. The game is already eight years old, and it’s still first-rate.

An Interactive Coronavirus Online Map Shows the Spread of Virus Around the World

With an online coronavirus map, you can easily track information about countries where there are infected people, see how many fatalities have been recorded, and how many people are recovering.

The New Coronavirus from China Infected 440 People. Why Did the Virus Appear?

The Chinese coronavirus has caused an international outbreak of respiratory disease. Now the infection spreads to the United States.

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