
Total 191 Posts

How to Get Ready for Black Friday and Seasonal Sales

This year, Black Friday will be on November 27. In order not to wake up on Saturday with a bunch of unnecessary things and empty pockets, it's better to start getting ready now! In this article, we'll show you how to save money during the sales period.

Handy Tips: Best Ways to Charge Your Smartphone

Even preschool children know some of these tips. We will not chew on the detailed description of how to technically efficiently charge your gadgets. Instead, we will tell you about the best ways to charge your smartphone in a nutshell.

Handy Tips: How to Cool Down an Overheating Laptop

Laptops and desktop computers sometimes behave like heaters and thus cause inconveniences for users. Today, we will tell you how to cool an overheating laptop and prevent damage.

Handy Tips: How to Know Who Messaged You on WhatsApp by Sound

You can turn off sound notifications from chats altogether if they bother you. After all, it all depends, and when you need to hide your messages with a certain person, sound notifications, or rather their absence, come to the rescue.

Handy Tips: How to Replace Paid Software With Free Alternatives

This article is for those who want to save some money, and it will be useful in two cases. Of course, you can cheat and download torrents, or you can honestly use our list and master a new skill without spending a penny.

What Is Fake News and How to Spot It?

Fake news is false information in the media or, in simple terms, misinformation. The paradox of fake news lies precisely in the fact that educated people like our colleagues, friends and relatives believe in false, often absurd news.

Challenges Faced by B2B Marketers in the Pandemic and Tips to Overcome Them

This article not only covers the challenges faced by B2B marketers but also gives them the best advice by some of the well-known marketing and CS executives to get out of the current situation.

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