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The best fuel for your brain is the high-end information which makes your neurons generate ideas and satisfy curiosity. We search, dig, and process the most relevant materials to create the kaleidoscope of cognitive content, stories, tips, and how-to write-ups. This is what life looks like here on The Internet Protocol. Travelers, life observers, and all the inquiring minds can get the first-rate pool of articles. Travel guides, book reviews, movies and TV shows, psychology, and investigations.
4 Signs You're Ready to Move in Together
Before deciding on such a crucial step in a relationship, you need to rationally assess the risks, determine what you are ready to sacrifice, and what you are not ready to put up with.
What Is Today? The Beatles Day
The last concert of the Beatles took place on January 30, 1969. More than half a century has passed since then! The Beatles are ranked #1 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the greatest artists of all time.
What Is Today? Wikipedia's Birthday
Wikipedia celebrates its 20th anniversary today. As Wikipedia writes about itself, it began its work on this day in 2001, launched by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.
Handy Tips: Why You Shouldn't Wish People Happy Birthday on Social Media
Today, we will tell you why an innocent act of wishing someone a happy birthday on social media is, in fact, more dangerous than it seems.
Handy Tips: How to Recognize a Fraudster
Recognizing a fraudster is only easy in movies. In reality, they behave just like ordinary people. However, there are some specifics of their behavior, so we will tell you about them in this article.
Weekly Fun: The Longest Nails in the World and Boston Dynamics Robot’s Dance
This week’s stories feature four Boston Dynamics robots that dance to celebrate New Year, and a woman with the longest nails in the world.
What Is Today? Elvis Presley's Birthday
Today, on January 8, Elvis Presley celebrates his birthday. In honor of the birthday of the king of rock-n-roll, we are sharing his greatest hits with you.