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The best fuel for your brain is the high-end information which makes your neurons generate ideas and satisfy curiosity. We search, dig, and process the most relevant materials to create the kaleidoscope of cognitive content, stories, tips, and how-to write-ups. This is what life looks like here on The Internet Protocol. Travelers, life observers, and all the inquiring minds can get the first-rate pool of articles. Travel guides, book reviews, movies and TV shows, psychology, and investigations.

Metamorphosis by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: A Deeply Personal Journey of Spiritual Self-Discovery

This book describes how divine providence has guided and helped him overcome very difficult personal challenges including divorce and cancer.

Handy Tips: How to Tackle Tasks You’re Always Too Lazy to Do

Not all tasks are fun and exciting to do, but we still need to get such things done. How? In this article, we will tell you how the 7-minute rule will help you do the stuff which always seems too boring to get over with.

Handy Tips: How to Quickly Coordinate and Agree on a Project

Here’s a small tip: if you are confident in your project, add one noticeable “mistake” to it. After noticing and correcting it, your boss will most likely approve everything else.

Weekly Fun: The Wizard of New Zealand, Mike Tyson Fighting Sharks, and Conspiracy Theories

This week’s stories feature a 30-second cartoon about the biggest challenges of 2020, fecal transplant that can improve cognitive abilities, a man who officially works as a wizard and gets paid $10,000, and a miniature bull terrier.

Handy Tips: How to Recognize a Hater

Haters truly embody negativity. They either don’t believe in our values, or are simply jealous of our achievements. But having them around us seems inevitable nowadays, so it is crucial to know how to recognize one, and this article will help.

How to Become a Millionaire by Age 30: 10 Golden Tips

Against the backdrop of a pandemic, the future may seem bleak, and the prospects of becoming a millionaire may sound like a fairy tale. However, anything is possible! These 10 practical rules will help you make your first million before you turn 30.

Weekly Fun: Gucci Surf, Chicken Flavored KFC Lipstick, and TikTok Auditory Illusion

This week’s stories feature a browser game from Gucci that offers users to collect plastic from the ocean, a KFC lipstick with the flavor of hot chicken wings, and an auditory illusion on TikTok that perplexed netizens around the world.

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