Lolly Page

Lolly Page

Total 380 Posts
Lolly Page is a modern IT-girl. Covering interpersonal relationships, she teaches how to avoid abuse and set personal boundaries. Modern trends and WTF news are her cup of tea.

What Is Today? International Bartender's Day

The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance – February 6 is the Day of St. Amand, one of the great Christian apostles, who is considered the patron saint of winemakers, brewers, merchants, as well as restaurateurs, and bartenders.

What Is Today? World Cancer Day

On this day every year, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer support the Union for International Cancer Control in spreading information on measures to reduce the burden of this disease.

What Is Today? National Ukulele Day

Many sources translate the Hawaiian word “ukulele” as “jumping flea,” but the last queen of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Liliʻuokalani, translated ukulele as “a gift from afar.”

Santa Meows: Holiday Cats in Christmas Costumes

Christmas tree, tangerines, holiday decorations, coziness – the holiday atmosphere fades away. What can make the festive feeling last longer if not an adorable fluffy cat wearing a Christmas costume?

Weekly Fun: A Dog Fetching Beer and Adorable Wild Animals

This week’s stories feature a dog taught to fetch beer and close the fridge, funny wild animals who don’t let photographers do their job, and a man who looks like Chuck Norris spotted in a photo of the Capitol riots.

What Is Today? Justin Timberlake's Birthday

Justin Timberlake turns 40 on January 31. In honor of his birthday, The Internet Protocol team invites you to listen to the most famous compositions of the birthday boy.

How Dating Apps Make Money

Dating services are becoming safer and more reliable, but it is difficult to ensure their longevity without the monetization. In this article, we will analyze the strategy of Tinder that has resulted in a stable income.

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