Margot Bafta

Margot Bafta

Total 211 Posts
A curious life observer and news hunter by nature, Margot is a copywriter and an editor. Having practical experience in various positions of the ever-changing newsrooms, she served as an editor, reporter, and web producer for news organizations in San Diego. Competent in global and business events, she creates the front-rank content. First and foremost, she always tries to keep it simple. This is a rule she follows not only in work but also in life in general. Margot loves trying new things and developing in different areas, that is why once she decided to join the Internet Protocol team and focus on tech-related topics.

Quiz: Can You Guess the Movie by Objects That Appear in It?

Sometimes, ordinary objects in a given movie carry a large semantic load, and without them, it is difficult (and sometimes even impossible) to imagine a certain film. Can you guess a movie by an object that appeared in it?

Trivia Quiz: What Do You Know About Scandals in the Film Industry?

Celebrities love being in the spotlight, but that’s a double-edged sword. Increased public interest remains even when the star is no longer at the peak. And instead of honoring and idolizing a recent favorite, the public takes up arms with fierce criticism.

Quiz: Are You an Expert on Movie Monsters?

Demons, werewolves, supernatural creatures, and even more. The test has 8 questions of varying difficulty levels. Will you be able to answer everything correctly? There's only one way to find out. Good luck with that!

Quiz: Will You Be Able to Survive a Natural Disaster?

Real-world experience shows that many people do not know how to behave in case of fire or any other natural disaster. Want to test your survival rate?

Quiz: What Do You Know About Patrick Swayze?

Patrick Swayze was named the Sexiest Man Alive in 1991 by People magazine for his roles of romantic men in movies “Dirty Dancing” and “Ghost.”

Quiz: How Well Do You Know Game of Thrones?

Game of Thrones is a series with a huge internal history that is beloved by loads of people worldwide. Its characters are exciting, and watching their relationships is captivating. But how well do you know the series? Let’s see!

Quiz: What Do You Know About Football?

Football is the most popular game in the world. It has it all – passion and intrigue, the will to win, strategy, and skills. How well do you know football? Take this quiz and check!

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