Margot Bafta

Margot Bafta

Total 211 Posts
A curious life observer and news hunter by nature, Margot is a copywriter and an editor. Having practical experience in various positions of the ever-changing newsrooms, she served as an editor, reporter, and web producer for news organizations in San Diego. Competent in global and business events, she creates the front-rank content. First and foremost, she always tries to keep it simple. This is a rule she follows not only in work but also in life in general. Margot loves trying new things and developing in different areas, that is why once she decided to join the Internet Protocol team and focus on tech-related topics.

Quiz: What Type of Coffee Are You?

Coffee has become such an integral part of our lives that it's time to ask ourselves: if I were coffee, what kind of it would I be? Let’s find out in our quiz! Are you ready?

Quiz: Can You Guess Whether It’s Michael Jackson’s Song or Not?

We have prepared 10 quotes from various songs for you. You need to determine whether this is lyrics by Michael Jackson or another singer. Check yourself and see if you can get 100% on this lyrics quiz!

Quiz: How Many Times Will You Get Divorced?

More than half of marriages do not last. Most people get divorced. Some things cause getting divorced, and some prevent it. With our quiz, you can understand how strong your relationship is.

Quiz: Will You Ever Become Popular?

Do you dream of a beautiful life, popularity, being followed by paparazzi? Well, everything is in your hands! Our quiz will help you find out how long it will take you to become popular! Remember that we are waiting for your results in the comments!

Quiz: Which Car Are You?

This quiz will tell you which car suits your driving style, music preferences, and interior decorations. Even the places where you choose to park tell you which car suits your character perfectly.

Quiz: Find Out Which TV Show to Binge-Watch Based on Your Current Mood

Tired of endlessly scrolling through tons of TV shows and series and not being able to decide which one to pick for watching? With this quiz, we will make your life easier by offering you a worthy series to binge-watch.

Quiz: What Movie Is Your Career Like?

A quiet life at home by the computer or a horror quest? Regularity or adventure? Is your reality a whirlwind of events or a carefully planned trip? Let's check what movie your career and life are like!

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