
Total 68 Posts
The iPhone is a line of smartphones designed and manufactured by Apple Inc. The First iPhone was introduced back in 2007. All iPhone models run on the iOS operating system also developed by Apple. Having a touchscreen interface, iPhones combine several devices in them, including a digital camera, iPod, and a cellular phone.

A Sealed First-Generation iPhone Was Sold for Over $63,000 at Auction

The past owner of the smartphone, a cosmetic tattoo artist from New Jersey, Karen Green, received the iPhone as a gift over 15 years ago. She never opened it as back then, she was a Verizon customer while the phone only ran on AT&T's network.

Apple Launched Lockdown Mode to Protect At-Risk Users From Spyware

Lockdown Mode is Apple's answer to new cybersecurity challenges, specifically government-sponsored spyware. It is turned off by default and can be enabled in the Privacy & Security section of Settings.

Handy Tips: How to Disable Face ID on iPhone With One Phrase

If you urgently need to turn off iPhone unlock with Face ID, you can use the following trick. Note that to do this, you need to have the "Hey Siri" feature activated on your iPhone.

Handy Tips: How to Take a Long Screenshot on iPhone

Many users make screenshots to save important and useful data on their smartphones, but when everything you need does not fit in one screenshot, you have to look for non-standard ways to save information.

Samsung Unveils iTest Web App for iPhone That Mimics Galaxy Interface

Samsung introduced the iTest web application, which allows you to experience Android smartphone features with One UI on an iPhone with Apple's iOS platform. The site was apparently developed by Samsung's New Zealand division.

Handy Tips: How to Recognize a Playing Track on iPhone and Find It on Spotify

If you chose Spotify instead of Apple Music or YouTube music, we will teach you how to quickly identify music and search for it on Spotify.

Handy Tips: How to Prevent Sites From Tracking Your Location on iPhone and Mac

Many sites and services request information about the user's geolocation when users visit them. This not only gives out your location for the necessary and unnecessary resources, but also drains your smartphone's battery on GPS.

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