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The best fuel for your brain is the high-end information which makes your neurons generate ideas and satisfy curiosity. We search, dig, and process the most relevant materials to create the kaleidoscope of cognitive content, stories, tips, and how-to write-ups. This is what life looks like here on The Internet Protocol. Travelers, life observers, and all the inquiring minds can get the first-rate pool of articles. Travel guides, book reviews, movies and TV shows, psychology, and investigations.

Weekly Fun: Wearing Saggy Pants on the Street, Children Named After Keanu Reeves, and a Mask for Listening to Music

This week’s Weekly Fun features a mouse that ate too much cannabis, a minister who posted 10 thousand monotonous photos on Facebook, children who are named after Keanu Reeves more frequently, and a mask for listening to music.

What Is Today? George Martin's Birthday

The author of the series A Song of Ice and Fire, George Martin, turned 72 on September 20. In honor of such a holiday, we decided to share the most interesting facts about his life.

R for Remote or the Rise of Generation R

While the whole world was shuddering in anxiety and doubt, a new generation of workers appeared, which is more ready than ever to compete in the labor market. In this article, we will tell you what Generation R is and what kind of work suits them more.

What Is Today? Batman Day

This year, DC Comics officially announced that Batman Day will take place on September 19. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this will be an entirely virtual event.

What Is Today? The Birthday of the First Smiley Face

On September 19, 1982, Carnegie Mellon University professor Scott E. Fahlman first proposed the use of three consecutive characters: colon, hyphen, and closing parenthesis to denote a "smiling face" in a text that is typed on a computer.

Why Do We Cringe When Other People Mess Up?

Today, we will try to figure out why we feel extremely embarrassed or ashamed when someone else acts or is too awkward or stupid and why this feeling might actually be beneficial to us.

What Is Today? National Cheeseburger Day

Legend has it that in the 1920s, Lionel Sternberger, a young diner chef in Pasadena, California, somehow overcooked a hamburger, but decided to add some cheese to disguise this. This is how the cheeseburger was born.

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