Paula Wu

Paula Wu

Total 122 Posts
Paula Wu is a US-based staff writer who focuses on stories, tips, and life hacks for travelers. She moved to California from Vietnam. Having visited 18 countries since then, Paula is a travel writer.

Top 3 Must-Visit Cities in September 2019

September is coming! Got an idea where to go for vacation? Check out our list of the best of the best places to visit in fall 2019.

Wounds of Winners Heal Faster than the Wounds of Defeated

It's incredible how much processes in our body depends on hormonal balance. There is an opinion supported by several studies that some people naturally have a reduced level of endorphins production, or so-called "feel-good chemicals". As a rule, such people tend to be addicted to alcohol,

Got Autumn Blues? Try Bob Marley’s Songs, Rum, Marijuana, and Plan a Trip to Jamaica, Cause Jamaica – No Problem

Do you feel sad? Plan a trip to Jamaica. Jamaica – No Problem. It will put you in a good mood for the year ahead.

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