WhatsApp announced the new Communities feature, which is designed to let people bring together separate group chats with a structure convenient for them. They support a range of new handy tools such as file sharing, group audio calls, reactions, and enhanced administration and moderation tools.
WhatsApp Communities will allow organizations, clubs, businesses, schools, and other local communities to create groups for their members to share news and updates and stay in touch within the broader Community structure. Communities will include smaller discussion groups. For example, for individual members of a certain organizational project.
Administrators will be able to link an existing group chat with the new feature or create a new group from scratch to get started. Notably, only administrators will have the right to share messages with all community members. Its members will only be able to communicate in small groups created or approved by administrators.
Communities are also encrypted, so you can safely engage in conversations you choose, without that information being shared publicly. The phone number of Communities' participants will be hidden except from admins and the people who are in sub-groups with you.
WhatsApp also announced a bunch of improvements for groups on the messenger, whether or not they are a part of Communities. They include reactions, the ability to share files up to 2GB, one-tap voice calling for up to 32 people, as well as the ability of group admins to delete problematic messages. These features will be rolling out in the coming weeks.