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Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 is a condition caused by the novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. The new coronavirus is identified as the cause of an outbreak (that later escalated into a pandemic) of respiratory illness that was first detected in Wuhan, China. COVID-19 has not been previously identified in humans until now. Common signs of infection are cough, fever, and breathing difficulties.
Egy Frissen Kiadott TanulmáNY Megállapította, Hogy COVID-19 Járóbetegek Cink, Hidroxiklorokin éS Azitromicin KombináCIójával Történő KezeléSE Kevesebb Kórházi Felvétellel éS Halálos Végkimenetellel Járt.
A tanulmány nagyon alacsony, 0,71% -os halálozási arányról számolt be a kezelt betegekben, akiknél a COVID-19 pozitív esete volt.
2020 Is the Worst Year: Will the World End in 2020?
This question has always worried humanity, but it was in 2020 that it became the number one issue. We are trying to figure out whether the end of the world will happen in 2020 and what threatens humanity.
XPrize Launches $5 Million Rapid COVID Testing Competition to Accelerate Safe Return to Everyday Life
XPrize wants to make COVID-19 testing faster, cheaper, and more accessible. That's why XPrize cooperated with OpenCovidScreen to launch a $5 million Rapid COVID Testing competition to solve this problem.
Google Extends Work-From-Home Policy Until July 2021
The search-engine giant’s CEO Sundar Pichai announced the news in an internal memo to workers via email on Monday to “give employees the ability to plan ahead.”
Lumen Couture Presented a Customizable Led Matrix Face Mask
The fabric of the mask is a two-layer breathable mesh that can be washed and become a regular mask after you remove the LED Flex Panel. A battery and a charging cord are included in the kit.
How to Travel Offline Safely During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Some countries are gradually opening their borders, so traveling might return to our lives, but under certain conditions, of course. There are some rules to follow if you want to stay safe and healthy these times, and this article is exactly about them.
Coronavirus: Can You Get COVID-19 on the Beach or in the Swimming Pool?
Fans of beaches and rivers ask a reasonable question: “Is it possible to get the coronavirus disease by swimming in such places?” This question was answered by a study by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).