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Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 is a condition caused by the novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. The new coronavirus is identified as the cause of an outbreak (that later escalated into a pandemic) of respiratory illness that was first detected in Wuhan, China. COVID-19 has not been previously identified in humans until now. Common signs of infection are cough, fever, and breathing difficulties.
Coronavirus in Italy: Lamborghini Launched Its Production of Surgical Masks and Protective Medical Shields
The company joined the fight against the spread of coronavirus. Now, Lamborghini is producing surgical masks and protective medical shields for the Sant'Orsola-Malpighi Hospital in Bologna.
Facebook Will Invest $100 Million in News Journalism to Support Local Newsrooms During the COVID-19 Pandemic
To support news journalism, Facebook announced a decision to invest $100 million in the news industry through the Facebook Journalism Project.
Apple Launched Coronavirus Screening Website and App
The COVID-19 website offers users to answer questions regarding symptoms, recent travel, and contact with other individuals who may have been exposed to the virus.
China: A Country with an Aging Population or Why the Novel Coronavirus Strikes Older People
It is projected that by 2053, China will become the oldest country in terms of population. This problem can be solved, but the most drastic measure is infecting people with the novel coronavirus. We’ve prepared some facts, and it’s up to you whether to believe them or not.
The List of Movie Premiere Delays or How COVID-19 Affects the Film Industry
The film industry was hugely affected by the novel coronavirus. All 2020 movie premiers are delayed. Why is it so and why can’t film studios move releases to streaming services?
Plague Inc. Developer Donated $250k to Fight Coronavirus Pandemic
Plague Inc. creators donated $250,000 to fight COVID-19. Ndemic Creations will also add a new game mode, where players will need to prevent an epidemic. This update will be free for all players during the pandemic.
A Teacher Uses Half-Life: Alyx to Teach Math in Virtual Reality
Charles Coomber, a teacher from San Diego, used Half-Life: Alyx to deliver an online math lesson, where he explained angle vocabulary by making use of the marker feature in the VR game.