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Cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange, namely digital cash and crypto currency. It can be sold or bought and is used to purchase goods and services online. What makes it different from the ordinary currency is that it is secured by cryptography and a network of computers verifying every transaction. As decentralized digital money, cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology. The most widely used cryptocurrencies nowadays are Bitcoin, Ethererum, LiteCoin, and Ripple.

Signal Messenger Is Testing Cryptocurrency Payments

The messenger added the option to send cryptocurrency to friends in the application's latest beta version. Signal Payments currently only supports the MobileCoin wallet and the accompanying MOB cryptocurrency.

What Are Stablecoins and Why Is Everyone Talking About Them?

Stablecoins are digital money that mimics the properties of traditional currencies. As a rule, they are pegged to the dollar or euro exchange rate (usually in a 1:1 ratio), gold, or other assets, including cryptocurrencies.

Nintendo Game Boy Can Now Mine Bitcoin

A popular YouTuber named Stacksmashing published a video that shows how to build your own mining farm from old game consoles. For example, from the 1989 Nintendo Game Boy.

An NFT Artwork Created by Sophia the Robot Sold for $688,000

An NFT artwork created by humanoid robot Sophia was sold at auction for $688 thousand. This is the first-ever sale of an NFT artwork created by artificial intelligence, based on the work of the Italian artist Andrea Bonaceto.

Billionaire Mark Cuban Created a Digital Art Gallery for NFTs

Non-fungible tokens act as a certificate of authenticity for digital objects such as GIF, JPEG, MP3, or other digital art forms. Over the past month, people have spent over $1 billion on digital assets.

Elon Musk Says You Can Now Buy Tesla Cars With Bitcoin

Currently, the option to buy Tesla cars with bitcoin is only valid in the United States. Musk said the opportunity to pay for vehicles with bitcoin outside of the US would be available later this year.

Time Magazine Auctions Three Covers as NFTs, and Will Accept Cryptocurrency

Time will also begin accepting cryptocurrency as payment for subscriptions within the next 30 days. The company is also looking for a new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) who will, among other things, work with cryptocurrency.

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