Google Play

Total 20 Posts
Google Play is an American digital distribution service operated and developed by Google. It serves as the official app store for the Android operating system, allowing users to browse and download apps for Android devices.

A Popular ToTok Messenger Turned out to Be a Tool for Government to Spy on People

ToTok, a chat app that has millions of users in the United Arab Emirates and around the world, turned out to be a tool that allows the government to spy on its users.

American Results of the Black Friday Online Shopping Race. The Record-Setting $7.4 Billion Been Spent

How much money can Americans spend on shopping for one day? What were the top demanded goods?

Printed Books vs E-Books: Fight of the Century

People predicted that eventually electronic books would completely replace the multi-volume printed ones. However, the book-publishing industry thrives to this very day, and so do the companies that provide us with stuff to read.

ESET Discovered the Broad-Scale Cyberattack on Google Play

Harmful applications can mask as a casual popular apps. Antivirus program disclosed several

Android Q Showed Its Key Features

Android said "good-bye" to the sweet names and now is just Android Q. Google rolled out a bunch of updates for the new OS on September release.

Google Offers the European Android Users to Choose the Search Engine and Browser

Google confers a right to choose another search engine tool and browser for European Android users.

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