Total 42 Posts
Hydroxychloroquine is an immunosuppressive drug and anti-parasite. It can treat and prevent malaria. It can also treat lupus and arthritis.
Doctors From Harvard and Yale Medical Schools Support Dr. Zelenko's Treatment Method (The Zelenko Protocol)
A Yale faculty epidemiologist and a practicing MD formerly of the Harvard and MIT medical facilities join to support Dr. Zekenko’s scientifically published report on his groundbreaking medical practice protocol of successfully using HCQ to treat early-stage COVID19-infected patients.
އަލަށް ޝާ ިއޢުކޮށް ަފއި ާވ ތަހުލީލަކުން ދައްކާ ޮގތު ަގއި ޮކ ިވ ްޑ-19 ބަލި ެޖ ިހފަ ިއ ާވ މީ ުހންނަށް ޒިންކު، ހަ ިއޑްރޮކްސިކް ޮލރޮކީން އަ ިދ އެޒިތްރޮ ަމ ިއސިން ދީ ެގން ަފރު ާވ ުކ ުރމުން ހޮސްޕިޓަ ުލ ަގއި އެނދުމަތިކު ަރންޖެހޭ ައ ަދދު ދަ ްއ ޭވ
ފަރުވާދިނުމުން މަރުވާ މީހުންގެ އަދަދަކީ %0.71 ހާ ދަށް އަދަދެކެވެ.
Νέα έρευνα σε εξωτερικούς ασθενείς αποκαλύπτει ότι ο συνδυασμός Ψευδάργυρου, Υδροξυχλωροκινης, και αζιθρομυκίνης σχετίζεται με μειωμένες νοσηλείες και θανάτους σε ασθενείς με COVID-19
Η μελέτη αναφέρει ένα πολύ χαμηλό ποσοστό θνησιμότητας 0,71% σε ασθενείς που έλαβαν θεραπεία με επιβεβαιωμένα θετικά κρούσματα COVID-19.
Aimsíonn StaidéAR Othar Seachtrach Nua-Fhoilsithe Go Bhfuil Comhgléas Sinc, Hydroxychloroquine Agus Azithromycin Bainteach Le NíOS Lú Cur San Ospidéal Agus Báis in Othair COVID-19
Tuairiscíonn an staidéar ráta báis an-íseal de 0.71% in othair chóireáilte le cásanna dearfacha dearbhaithe de COVID-19.
Utafiti Mpya Uliochapishwa Hivi Karibuni Hugundua Kuwa Mchanganyiko WA Zinc, Hdroxychloroquine, NA Azithromycin Unahusishwa NA Hospitali NA Vifo Kidogo Katika Wagonjwa WA Covid-19
Utafiti unaripoti kiwango cha chini kabisa cha vifo vya asilimia 0.71% kwa wagonjwa waliotibiwa walio na kesi chanya za COVID-19.
Un Studiu îN Ambulatoriu Recent Publicat Arată Că O CombinațIe DE Zinc, Hidroxiclorochină șI Azitromicină Este Asociată CU O SCăDere a SpitalizăRilor șI Deceselor La PaciențII CU Covid-19
Studiul raportează o rată de fatalitate foarte scăzută de 0,71% la pacienții tratați cu cazuri pozitive confirmate de COVID-19.
Six More Studies Confirm That Early Treatment Using Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol Reduces Mortality Rates of COVID-19 Patients
All six studies showed that HCQ, given early in the course of the COVID-19 disease, alone or in combination with zinc and azithromycin, reduced hospital admissions and mortality without serious heart problems or other adverse effects.