Zinc Sulfate
Total 37 Posts
Zinc sulfate is an inorganic compound and dietary supplement. As a supplement, it is used to treat zinc deficiency and to prevent the condition in those at high risk.
Dr. Zelenko’s Statement to U.S. Senate Committee Emphasizes the Importance of Early COVID-19 Outpatient Treatment
The statement submitted by Dr. Zelenko focuses on the importance of early outpatient treatment, which is an essential part of the COVID-19 solution.
Groundbreaking Study Accepted for Publication by The International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents
A retrospective case series study on early risk-stratified treatment with zinc plus low dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin by Roland Derwand, Martin Scholz, Vladimir Zelenko was accepted for publication in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents.
Choose Truth and Choose Life
Regardless of the root causes of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world’s response to this crisis is killing more people than the actual virus. In this response, I see powerful and methodical groups colluding to obstruct the flow of life-saving information and medication.
Dr. Zelenko Comments on President Trump’s Positive COVID-19 Test
US President Donald Trump and the first lady Melania Trump got positive coronavirus tests. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko provided comments on President Trump’s illness in today’s phone call with the Internet Protocol team.
Prehospital Management of COVID-19 Zelenko Protocol
Treatment Plan for Patients with symptoms of Covid-19.
Egy Frissen Kiadott TanulmáNY Megállapította, Hogy COVID-19 Járóbetegek Cink, Hidroxiklorokin éS Azitromicin KombináCIójával Történő KezeléSE Kevesebb Kórházi Felvétellel éS Halálos Végkimenetellel Járt.
A tanulmány nagyon alacsony, 0,71% -os halálozási arányról számolt be a kezelt betegekben, akiknél a COVID-19 pozitív esete volt.
އަލަށް ޝާ ިއޢުކޮށް ަފއި ާވ ތަހުލީލަކުން ދައްކާ ޮގތު ަގއި ޮކ ިވ ްޑ-19 ބަލި ެޖ ިހފަ ިއ ާވ މީ ުހންނަށް ޒިންކު، ހަ ިއޑްރޮކްސިކް ޮލރޮކީން އަ ިދ އެޒިތްރޮ ަމ ިއސިން ދީ ެގން ަފރު ާވ ުކ ުރމުން ހޮސްޕިޓަ ުލ ަގއި އެނދުމަތިކު ަރންޖެހޭ ައ ަދދު ދަ ްއ ޭވ
ފަރުވާދިނުމުން މަރުވާ މީހުންގެ އަދަދަކީ %0.71 ހާ ދަށް އަދަދެކެވެ.