Pavel Durov always used to think of thematic design of his social networks during the holidays, even during the VKontakte era. Special design periodically appears on Telegram as well. This year, in honor of Valentine's Day, Telegram's team made animation for some emojis.
These emojis are all romantically-themed. To see the animation, you need to send emojis in a separate message.
If you do not have a soulmate and don't want to spend Valentine's Day in solitude, you can take advantage of the innovation in the Telegram beta version for iOS and Android.
Thanks to the beta version of "People Nearby," users will be able to turn on the display of their profile in the appropriate section for a certain period of time. And the user who is close to them will be able to see their profile in the search and write to them. It is supposed to help people make new friends.
The phone number will still not be visible to other users. And if desired, the feature can be completely disabled. The messenger still remains private and anonymous.