Please join CrowdProtocol as we need your help to make it better and spread it across the world. To do this, feel free to fill out the form that is indicated at the end of the article.

CrowdProtocol is a project that was born at a difficult time in a world consumed by a global COVID-19 pandemic. Its launch a pivotal tool in the war against the novel coronavirus. Crowd-Sourcing a therapeutic and effective protocol that works to treat the majority of patients in an outpatient setting is paramount to ending this crippling pandemic.

In about a week, the team received positive feedback from doctors, survivors, and supporters who have their best intentions at heart. So far, the CrowdProtocol team has received hundreds of letters, submitted forms with wishes to help, and materials that may help combat COVID-19 from all over the world.

COVID-19 vs CrowdProtocol
The Fight Against CoronavirusCrowdProtocol’s goal is to enable the discovery of an effective treatment for COVID via a methodology and protocol, utilizing Real World Evidence.

The CrowdProtocol project seeks volunteers who are eager to change our world for the better and are ready to contribute to the fight against the raging COVID-19 pandemic. To make a contribution, you don’t need to donate money, spend time in the hospital supporting those in need, or help with buying expensive drugs. Sometimes a couple of hours of your free time and language skills can not only change the life of humankind for the better but also save a seriously ill person’s life.

We are looking for translators who can translate important articles and crucial treatment protocols; social media marketing specialists; video editors, and designers who are ready and willing to collaborate.

Here’s an example of a work by a volunteer who helped make this video appealing. This is a vivid example of how you can make an invaluable contribution to a good cause.


Volunteering at CrowdProtocol is an opportunity to apply your knowledge to save the lives of people around the world. The main requirement for a translator is a desire to help, fluency in English, German, or any other languages, and at least a couple of hours of spare time a week.

The CrowdProtocol team also asks you to share this message among your friends and acquaintances if you wish to help us find the needed volunteers quicker!

CrowdProtocol is proof positive that humanity working together can break this disease’s stranglehold. With the right protocol in hand, and early intervention, we will be able to declare an end to this pandemic in the immediate, as opposed to the distant, future.

If you want to be useful for the sake of humanity and save the world, you are welcome to fill out this form.