This year, a series of events of the typical Hollywood disaster film are planned for humanity. And while we all hold our breath and with great hope in our heart wait for the COVID-19 pandemic to end, professionals like meteorologists and various international organizations are preparing for new shocks. Be ready to find out more details in this article.
European heatwave
Look at how abnormally warm it was planet-wide in June 1915, July 1936, and the boreal spring of 2020. You can see regional anomalies in the early-20th century...but the entire planet has now become a heat anomaly...
— Nick Humphrey (@AbruptClimoMet) June 23, 2020
Last year was the hottest one for the European countries, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service. That same heatwave caused floods and heavy rainfall, an example of this was the flood in Venice.
This year, the tendency continues: the farms of France and Germany are already suffering from unusually severe drought, and the same is happening in the USA. Besides, this kind of weather anomalies provokes fires. In the long run, all this will inevitably lead to hunger despite the stocks of the previous harvest.
In addition to this bunch of troubles, the pandemic also added almost destroyed global logistics – there’s a lack of fully-trained workers and transport. A significant part of the crop may even remain in the fields since migrants will not be able to come to harvest it. For example, Moroccans used to come to pick up Spanish strawberries. Due to the pandemic, countries no longer accept foreigners. At the same time, the epidemic creates the problem of food delivery to stores.
Hot ocean
Climate Change Indicators: Ocean Heat. Y'all know that hell is expanding? #science #news
— Sophia Proton (@SophiaProton) June 24, 2020
Ocean temperature has become 0.8 degrees warmer than usual for this month. This causes new powerful hurricanes, the season of which in the United States falls exactly on July. Due to the increase in water temperature, it rains more often over too warm seas, which deprives the continents of moisture. Thus, the warming of the North Atlantic could result in fires in the Amazon.
Hunger in developing countries
Tonight, more than 820M people will go to bed hungry. Hunger is on the rise and climate change is making it worse!
— Keith Young (@youngkeith52) June 25, 2020
Sign now to tell world leaders: keep your promise to end hunger and invest more in helping farmers grow good food. @IFAD #PeopleFoodPlanet
The Executive Director of the UN World Food Program, David Beasley, has repeatedly stated that 2020 would be the year of the greatest humanitarian disaster. The novel coronavirus only added fuel to the fire. In the light of the pandemic, many representatives of developed countries announced a reduction in aid to starving states. Thus, mass hunger in poor countries and a pandemic could cause the death of hundreds of thousands of people.
The UN reminds us that every eighth inhabitant of the planet is malnourished every day in the world. Just imagine: if the UN food program is closed from tomorrow, then every day, 300 thousand inhabitants of the poorest countries will die, who also often suffer from military conflicts.

The Locust infestation
Locust invaded Lowveld Zimbabwe today, Malilangwe and Gonarezhou catchment. @basera_john any measures to control this plague.
— Emmanuel Masosota (@emasosota0594) June 23, 2020
The year 2020 seems to think that we’ve suffered not enough ordeals, hence the locust population became an unexpected and dangerous consequence of the warm and humid winter. Tons of these insects are eating seedings in the countries of the Middle East and Asia. A locust invasion is expected in Ethiopia and Kenya and further throughout Africa. Just imagine what kind of apocalyptic mood these people have.
Some see the prophecies of John the Theologian in the events of this year, while others compare them with the Egyptian executions from the Old Testament.
However, our troubles do not end there. Experts predict a redistribution of the global market that will result in hybrid wars; the use of artificial intelligence will cause total unemployment, and full-time education will only become available to the elite.