
Total 191 Posts

Weekly Fun: Playing Tic-Tac-Toe with Pets, Washing Hands to Your Favorite Songs, and Stealing Toilet Paper

News websites are filled with articles about the novel coronavirus and the dire consequences of the globally spreading pandemic. Our compilation of funny stories is a beam of light in the land of coronavirus news.

How to Work from Home During Quarantine If You Are Not Used to Freelancing

How to adapt your workflow to the new realities of working from home during the quarantine caused by COVID-19? In this article, we have put together the working strategies and tips from experienced freelancers for you.

9 Simple Quarantine Rules to Follow While Social Distancing

There are some basic rules and principles that we all need to follow to protect ourselves and those around us from spreading the disease.

Coronavirus: How to Spend Time Well and Not Lose One’s Mind While at Home During Quarantine

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s one most pressing question: what to occupy oneself with while being trapped inside your house so as not to waste time and lose one’s heart? We’ve gathered 10 exciting activities for you to enjoy during COVID-19 lockdown.

How to Interpret Your Dreams: Phycologists Have Decoded the 5 Most Common Dreams

If you dream about the same thing for five nights in a row, take it as a signal that your subconscious is hinting you at something.

How to Get an Informant at the Office

Encouraging snitches is a bad, bad thing. But if you call it voluntary informing, it changes things because it’s for the good. We will teach you how to make your employees “useful.”

How to Control an Android Device from a Computer: Three Useful Programs

Are you tired of refocusing attention from a PC to a smartphone? Or you gave your mother her first smartphone, and she doesn't know how to use it? Connect your Android device to a PC and use it remotely.

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