Total 4 Posts
Weekly Fun: Netflix Trolled the Eurovision, an Anti-Vaxxer Cat, and a Football Club That Welcomed the Wrong Coach
This week’s stories feature a smart speaker with blackjack and hookers, an awkward TikTok with a face Queen, a cat that is against vaccines, and a football club that accidentally welcomed the wrong new coach.
Nike Introduced New Self-Lacing Sneakers
New Nike sneakers can be controlled using a smartphone. In the app, the user can see the condition of the laces, as well as the temperature and the humidity inside the shoe.
The Road to Heaven Can Be Walked in These Sneakers. Designers Created “Jesus Shoes”: Nike Air Max + Crucifix + Holy Water = Divine Grace
MSCHF designers released their own model of Nike Air Max 97 sneakers under the name “Jesus Shoes”. The model is decorated with a steel crucifix, and the bubbled soles contain 50 grams of actual holy water from the Jordan River.
Nike Introduced Smart Sneakers with Built-in Siri Tool
Nike introduced Adapt Huarache sneakers, which can be controlled via the Apple Watch or Siri voice assistant. Athletes can shift modes on-the-go.