
Total 20 Posts
Microsoft Windows is an operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation. It was first introduced in November 1985 and has been updated multiple times ever since. The two most common Windows editions are Windows Professional and Windows Home. All versions of this operating system include a graphical UI with a desktop where users can view files and folders in windows.

The End of Windows 7 Is Near: Its Support Will End on January 14, 2020

Microsoft has announced that it is no longer going to provide software and security updates and technical support for Windows 7

The Most Realistic Simulation of the Presidential Race: The US Presidential Candidate Strikes Back

If you haven’t played fighting games for a long time, feel free to try the new Andrew Yang video game where he crushes his opponents down with incredible hooks.

Is NordVPN Safe After a Breach?

NordVPN has admitted that one of its servers was hacked in March 2018 when an unauthorized user accessed a server in a Finland data center. The breach could have let the hacker gather traffic flowing through the server.

GWD Bio Intelligence Has Developed New HiiDii Smart Glasses

The GWD Bio Intelligence company developed new smart glasses that can be used instead of a computer mouse or a touchpad. This new gadget is called HiiDii Glasses.

The Nokia Ex-Engineer Exposed the Reason of Windows Phone Failure

Microsoft's mobile OS couldn't go upscale its main rival Google. The market position of the Android OS is too strong to compete.

DeepNude Can Strip Any Lady on the Photo in Several Clicks

Users can remove clothes from any woman for 50$ in an AI app for desktop.

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